Lectures on algebraic statistics
Reading Seminar Algebraic Statistics
In this seminar we are going to read Lectures on algebraic statistics by Mathias Drton, Seth Sullivant, and Bernd Sturmfels.
Time and location
Please e-mail me if you are interested in joining the seminar
From the cover
How does an algebraic geometer studying secant varieties further the
understanding of hypothesis tests in statistics? Why would a
statistician working on factor analysis raise open problems about
determinantal varieties? Connections of this type are at the heart
of the new field of "algebraic statistics". In this field,
mathematicians and statisticians come together to solve statistical
inference problems using concepts from algebraic geometry as well as
related computational and combinatorial techniques. The goal of
these lectures is to introduce newcomers from the different camps to
algebraic statistics. The introduction will be centered around the
following three observations: many important statistical models
correspond to algebraic or semi-algebraic sets of parameters; the
geometry of these parameter spaces determines the behaviour of
widely used statistical inference procedures; computational
algebraic geometry can be used to study parameter spaces and other
features of statistical models.
Getting started
Use Wikipedia to look up any term you don't know in the above text.